If you think that there is not a cause to get the Gospel to every creature, then you need to watch this video about how children in American Schools are being taught Islam and even how to say the Muslim
How Turn From Islam to Jesus – Video with Arabic
HOW TO MEET JESUS PERSONALLY Millions of Muslims Converting to Christianity by Salem Voice 05 Jan, 2007 Pastor Paul Ciniraj and a believer from Islam Islam, SVM News, 1 January, 2007: Millions of Muslim converts to Christianity celebrated Christmas throughout
True Revival of the Church
LECTURE I * WHAT A REVIVAL OF RELIGION IS O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; ill wrath remember mercy. – Habakkuk 3:2. It is supposed that the
Our dear America – where do you go from here?
Our dear America – where do you go from here? By: Wolfgang and Mercy Simson, Germany wolfsimson@compuserve.com Today, Obama has been re‐elected; all the efforts of many Christian leaders, prayer movements, “prophets” and “concerned Americans” who have lobbied, written appeals,