I didn’t start the church. I don’t own it. I don’t run it. And I don’t make all the decisions for it. A church doesn’t belong to the pastor. Or the church members. Or the denominational officials. It belongs to
Stewardship Isn’t Ownership

I didn’t start the church. I don’t own it. I don’t run it. And I don’t make all the decisions for it. A church doesn’t belong to the pastor. Or the church members. Or the denominational officials. It belongs to
The theories of Darwin, Hawking, Alexander and other atheists are completely decimated by the science of intelligent design. Darwin cited a potential flaw in his theory of origins. “Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight, successive variations. She
shoebat.comhttp://shoebat.com/2015/08/21/archeologists-discover-a-4000-year-old-archeological-find-linking-allah-to-lucifer-and-the-harlot-religion/ Archeologists Discover A 4000 Year Old Archeological Find Linking Allah To Lucifer And The “Harlot Religion” Ted By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat 4000 years old is as close as we can get to connecting how old is “Allah” as
June 26, 2015 – The US Supreme Court made a stunning decision that is at odds with the majority of American people. They ruled (unconstitutionally) that marriage can now be between same sex couples and based it upon the 14th
If you think that there is not a cause to get the Gospel to every creature, then you need to watch this video about how children in American Schools are being taught Islam and even how to say the Muslim
“The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, (2) Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the
Greg J. Dixon One of the most intriguing questions of the Christmas story to me has always been why were the religious leaders not in Bethlehem waiting for their King, if they knew where and when He was to be
Pervert Mohammad Promotes Satan (Allah) I am not sure what the world population in general is thinking about when they consider Islam as a PEACEFUL religion. To find out if a “god” is real or not one only needs to
HOW TO MEET JESUS PERSONALLY Millions of Muslims Converting to Christianity by Salem Voice 05 Jan, 2007 Pastor Paul Ciniraj and a believer from Islam Islam, SVM News, 1 January, 2007: Millions of Muslim converts to Christianity celebrated Christmas throughout
LECTURE I * WHAT A REVIVAL OF RELIGION IS O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; ill wrath remember mercy. – Habakkuk 3:2. It is supposed that the